Our Blog
How to Win Me a Tesla
How would you like it if I recommended products to you based on the prizes and SPIFFs I would get in return? I hope you'd [...]
Walk Through the Aid Stations
It's easy to forget to take time off during the day to physically refresh your eyes, your back, your hands and to mentally refresh. Sometimes [...]
As a leader to anyone the only thing you earn solving a problem is the privilege to solve a bigger problem. Big problems mean you've [...]
The highest performance athletes all have a common thread in their workout structure. Over the course of a week, they have at least one "easy" [...]
staying focused
in many (most? all?) areas of life there are two areas that you will be judged on: results: how well did you do, especially compared [...]
Beyond Success
Beyond success lies the place where you are the most you that you can be. Spend time each day thinking about who that person is, [...]
Professionals are Professional
Acting professional does not make you professional. Being a professional will lead you to act professionally.
You’re Welcome
There are two words in the English language you should use regularly, "thank you." There are two words you should use to respond to that, [...]
2020-07-20 COVID-19 Update: East Tennessee
Get email alerts for our COVID-19 updates Today is primarily East Tennessee, we'll zoom out to Tennessee briefly at the end. See our internal operations [...]
Top 2 Smartphone Productivity Hacks for Business Owners
Over the last several years I have learned to have a love/hate relationship with my smartphone. It allows me to get business done from virtually [...]
2020-06-22 COVID-19 Update
Get email alerts for our COVID-19 updates Today is numbers. See our internal operations guide for COVID-19 here. The short version of today's post? Infections [...]
Special COVID19 Update: Knox County Moves to TN Pledge
On Monday the Knox County Health Department announced that they had learned from the county law office that the Knox County Board of Health was [...]
2020-06-16 COVID-19 Update
Get email alerts for our COVID-19 updates Yesterday we said we'd do numbers and then news. Here is the news. See our internal operations guide [...]
2020-06-15 COVID-19 Update
Get email alerts for our COVID-19 updates There is a lot of news out there, today we'll focus on numbers and we'll return for news [...]
2020-06-05 COVID-19 Update
Get email alerts for our COVID-19 updates Today's post: Mostly news, fast numbers. See our internal operations guide for COVID-19 here. See our post on [...]